Two things that seem to help whenever I'm dealing with bizarre Comcast
issues....have her call in and:
* Ask for "Security Edge" to be disabled if it's enabled (last time we did
this Comcast told us they couldn't permanently disable it unless we paid a
lot more per month for service and it would automatically enable every
reboot, but another rep permanently disabled it for us)
* Ask them to disable "Smart Packet Detection" if she's using a router that
has that feature

Those two features seem to mess with a lot of traffic--specifically DNS
(re-routing any unencrypted DNS request to Comcast's own servers) and SIP.

Of course enabling TLS for your SIP connections would probably help
significantly--not just with connectivity, but security.


On Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 12:20 PM Matt Hoppes <> wrote:

> I have an employee who has recently switched to Xfinity cable service.
> Ever since they switched their internet service their work phones will
> not stay registered for more than about 3 minutes.
> These same phones have been used on many ISPs without issues.  The same
> config has been used behind multiple levels of NAT without issues.
> She was fine, until she switched to XFinity.
> Of course, XFinity support is absolutely worthless.
> Anyone from XFinity Tier 3 or such that might be able to offer assistance?
> I suspect it's something stupid with either NAT overload in the modem or
> the modem not keeping the SIP channels open.
> I've tried playing around with registration times without any success.
> And again, we've never had issues with these phones or this setup with
> any other ISP.

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