One option is you said you have companies that do business with the DOD.
Have one of them reach out to a contracting person about opening a ticket.

That also allows there to be a claim that unblocking is mission essential
vs someone trying to communicate with family.

Normally the contracting people would reach out to their 6-shop (IT
support) and have them open the ticket with DISA (or they might open a
ticket with their base or military branch service desk who will reach out
to DISA).

On Sat, Jun 29, 2024, 12:19 Scott Q. - qmail at <> wrote:

> All that sounds very familiar, I'm 100% sure it's the same issue.
> As I said, there are DISA folks here, they might reach out and give you
> further steps. They did in my case, you just have to be more patient / on
> the ball than I was...
> Good luck!
> On Saturday, 29/06/2024 at 11:44 Mike Tindor wrote:
> Scott,
> Thanks for responding.  Unfortunately, I think my situation is a little
> more dire, or at least involved.   I probably should have said this before,
> but I had done TCP 25 outbound testing from our /23 to various .MIL MX's
> that I know were responding and could not establish a connection / get an
> SMTP banner.   I could then go to Azure, or Digital Ocean, or somewhere
> else that I have a box and am able to make the outbound connection to the
> same MIL MXs that wouldn't respond to me from our /23.
> So it isn't a simple case of DNS not resolving, although we certainly did
> notice that issue.  Fortunately, we do have nameservers in place that are
> external to our /23 and which are able to actually do the resolving.   But
> your comment does remind that this definitely is not just a TCP 25 issue,
> as the MIL DNS servers are not responding to queries from our /23 hosts.
> The situation is difficult for multiple reasons:
> 1.  inabiity to engage somebody from the other end - DISA
> 2.  Unwillingness on my part to stab at a hornets nest and poke around
> trying to verify connections (other than TCP 25 to known MIL MXs) in
> DOD-land.
> 3.  Not knowing exactly where to go from here
> The latest/last thing DISA told me was that I would have to get one of the
> people with MIL email addresses who can't email our customers to actually
> open a ticket with DISA.   And that is fraught with problems since even if
> a MIL email user did open a ticket, they would not have any information
> about our network to convey to the Helpdesk -- and would have no way of
> answering questions that the Helpdesk asked, and also wouldn't be able to
> do any troubleshooting.
> I did realize a few days ago we had no ROA for the specific /23, and so I
> created one at ARIN.   And we had no specific route object published for
> our /23, and I got one added.   Been trying to clean up some old (and
> invalid) stuff that is in RADB from our larger /19, since we don't even own
> all the space in the /19 anymore and are only actively using a /23 from
> what we have left.   Hoping to get that taken care of Monday.
> Everything has worked fine for 26 years, until Jun 1.   But things change,
> and I'm obviously behind the times given that I didn't have proper ROA and
> route object in place.
> Mike Tindor
> On Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 11:26 AM Scott Q. <>
> wrote:
>> There are DISA folks lurking here.
>> I had a similar issue where our block was labeled as residential by their
>> new firewall, and DISA front-desk isn't yet trained on this mechanism so
>> they can't help.
>> I escalated the issue to a lot of groups but in the end I gave up, too
>> much bureaucracy. The issue is simply DNS - their DNS servers don't let you
>> resolve. So I simply set as the resolver for *.mil and it temp
>> (permanently) fixed the problem.
>> Scott
>> On Saturday, 29/06/2024 at 09:16 Mike Tindor wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I'm looking for a DISA/DOD contact who feels that my issue has merit.
>> I've tried the DISA Helpdesk and have been told since I'm a commercial
>> entity with no affiliation with the DOD, they can't help me.
>> The issue at hand is that our /23 netblock has lost communication (at
>> least email TCP 25) with AS345 / AS721 as of May 31, 2024 and I cannot
>> figure out why.   We are in a Flexential datacenter in Richmond VA and use
>> Flexential for transport.   We cannot send emails to .MIL or receive emails
>> from .MIL.  It is not that they are being rejected on either end.   The
>> deliveries are timing out and being returned to sender, from both sides.
>> I don't know if DISA/DOD has a block on our ASN  and-or /23, or if there
>> is a routing issue somewhere between us and AS345 / AS721.  I had asked the
>> Flexential folks to look into it from their side, and they indicated that
>> historic data does indeed show that there TCP 25 communications to and fro
>> between us and AS345 prior to June 1, but nothing from June 1 onward.  And
>> all they could say was that they (Flex) were not in any way blocking.  And
>> I'd agree with that.
>> As you can imagine, my customers are not happy with not being able to
>> communicate with their family / friends via email in the MIL domains, and
>> our customers who are vendors / contractors cannot do business with the
>> military effectively if they cannot send/receive emails.
>>  us --> Flexential --> GTT --> Level3 --> Qwest --> ? --> AS345 / AS721
>> Any idea where one would go next?   Is it likely that any of those
>> entities further upstream like GTT / Level3 / Qwest would even assist since
>> we are not their customer?
>> Thanks for your time!
>> Mike Tindor

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