Hi folks,

I'm looking for a DISA/DOD contact who feels that my issue has merit.
I've tried the DISA Helpdesk and have been told since I'm a commercial
entity with no affiliation with the DOD, they can't help me.

The issue at hand is that our /23 netblock has lost communication (at least
email TCP 25) with AS345 / AS721 as of May 31, 2024 and I cannot figure out
why.   We are in a Flexential datacenter in Richmond VA and use Flexential
for transport.   We cannot send emails to .MIL or receive emails from
.MIL.  It is not that they are being rejected on either end.   The
deliveries are timing out and being returned to sender, from both sides.

I don't know if DISA/DOD has a block on our ASN  and-or /23, or if there is
a routing issue somewhere between us and AS345 / AS721.  I had asked the
Flexential folks to look into it from their side, and they indicated that
historic data does indeed show that there TCP 25 communications to and fro
between us and AS345 prior to June 1, but nothing from June 1 onward.  And
all they could say was that they (Flex) were not in any way blocking.  And
I'd agree with that.

As you can imagine, my customers are not happy with not being able to
communicate with their family / friends via email in the MIL domains, and
our customers who are vendors / contractors cannot do business with the
military effectively if they cannot send/receive emails.

 us --> Flexential --> GTT --> Level3 --> Qwest --> ? --> AS345 / AS721

Any idea where one would go next?   Is it likely that any of those entities
further upstream like GTT / Level3 / Qwest would even assist since we are
not their customer?

Thanks for your time!

Mike Tindor

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