Well said Matt, well said. 

On Mar 29, 2024, at 3:49 PM, Matthew Petach <mpet...@netflight.com> wrote:

On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 11:17 PM Eric Parsonage <e...@eparsonage.com> wrote:
It's easily fixed by having a mixer at the same time for the other half of the gathering population thus showing all the population gathering matters equally.

I believe the mixer for the other half of the gathering population has been going on for decades, and is generally referred to as "drinks at the hotel lobby bar".
Just because it isn't called out by name doesn't mean that the male half of the population hasn't been meeting and mixing and mingling already for years.  ;-P

I'm with Randy Bush on this.  The stakeholders in that event should have the say in what happens with it; not the rest of us.
Those of us old white males need to check our privilege, and recognize that we've *been* having "mixers" for decades.
We don't need to put a stake in the ground and push for our equality; we've already been on the beneficiary side of the 
inequality for decades.


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