There was a Women in Tech Mixer on Sunday in Charlotte as well. As I recall
there was a pretty decent attendance.

During my time on the PC, we always got a lot of feedback about Sunday when
the topic came up. Some members were strongly opposed to anything on Sunday
and didn't even like the Hackathon there. Others wanted expansion, and more
things slotted in. There certainly wasn't anything remotely close to a
consensus. Sometimes people can make it in early on Sunday. Sometimes they
can't. There's no one size fits all answer.

I'm not sure people realize how much crap that staff and the PC get *every
meeting* about the agenda. There's always someone unhappy because this
event wasn't the same, or why was it in this room over here, or OMG Wed
afternoon, etc. Having seen how that sausage gets made, they don't get
enough credit.

In my opinion, they found a spot that they had room for, and if people can
make it with their schedules, then great. If not, hopefully a future slot
can work.

On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 1:46 PM Ilissa Miller <> wrote:

> For those that know me, I rarely provide constructive input about NANOG
> matters due to my past affiliation, however, I just saw that NANOG
> announced the Women mixer on Sunday before NANOG 91 and am outraged for all
> of the young professional women who would like to participate in NANOG.
> While the times are changing, women continue to remain primary caregivers
> for families and this will require them to desert their families a day
> early.  I find it offensive personally and feel like you may have missed
> the mark.
> The amount of times I hear people complain about having to leave their
> families is one of the reasons this industry has a problem keeping young
> people - especially women.
> Does anyone else feel the same?
> --
> *Ilissa Miller*
> *CEO, iMiller Public Relations <>*

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