> At which point Centurylink chooses 40676 7489 11875 11875 11875 11875
> 11875 11875 11875.
>> This certainly seems like a reasonable path selection, in the context that 
>> 47787 is likely a 3356 customer.
> That's -why- 3356 chooses the paths. 40676 and 47787 are customers,
> 1299 is a peer. You're telling me with a straight face that you think
> that's *reasonable* routing?

The reasons why have been pointed out by others:

This is perfectly reasonable routing _if you're 3356_

In this profit-driven world, expecting 3356 to do something that's unprofitable 
for them just because it happens to be convenient for you is, well, 

Deaggregation offers one loophole out of this Layer 8 problem though, making 
TCAM slots just the price we pay for "my network, my rules". Convincing 53356 
and 47787 to add 3356:70 to your route is another. Have you asked them? I know 
I would look into it if a customer comes to me with a similar request.


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