On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 02:03:48PM -0800, William Herrin wrote: > > It offends my pride to handle it this way, but -you- shoulder the cost. >
You're misdiagnosing the issue at hand. CL is choosing 3356 47787[x3] 53356 11875[x3] over better path via 1299: What you need to be doing is reaching out to AS53356 (your upstream provider supposedly) to assist with traffic engineering. Given the # of prepends that 53356 added themselves, it looks like you're using their communities to prepend on top of your own prepends (wasted effort), or they've attempted to help you by prepending manually, but to no avail (see our prior discussion). The next level of escalation is for 53356 to now work with 47787 to implement the correct traffic engineering policy facing 3356. This is really something your IP transit providers should be assisting you with. You're misdiagnosing and complaining about something which BGP is supposed to be doing, instead of escalating with the right parties who are in the best position to be assisting you. Believe it or not, there are small-medium IP transit providers who are _very good_ at assisting their BGP customers in traffic engineering efforts, especially with extensive BGP community options, competent network engineers, automation and the likes. Your upstream providers need to step up their game to help you out here. This is not a Lumen/CenturyLink/Level 3 problem. HTH, James