For me, it did. To be fair I did have two tickets open through two different 
channels. One of the tickets came back with advice that they had reset the 
score on the domain and IP address as I advised them that it was a private mail 
server, in use by one person (myself) with 2-3 mailboxes in use on the Axigen 
Mail Server software.

It's all about who you get on the day at the time you open the ticket and who 

Christopher Hawker

-----Original Message-----
From: NANOG <> On Behalf Of Bjoern 
Franke via NANOG
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2024 11:51 PM
Subject: Re: Mail to Microsoft being falsely marked as spam/bulk

> Yes. Or just sending new stuff in the old ticket. (Apparently, you get 
> a different guy each time, keep trying until you find one who is 
> willing to act.)

That didn't help either.
First, they asked for a proof that I did not use the IP before. After sending 
that proof, they told me that the issue (mails junked) was caused by forwarding 
spam and that I should confirm to Outlooks Technical Standards. After 
confirming this, they told me that they can't do anything, they have no liberty 
to discuss the source of the block and that I should take care of complying to 
Hotmails Technicals Standards.

I've asked them why they even asked for the proof for the usage of the IP if 
they can't do anything and got no reply.


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