On Tue, 16 Jan 2024 at 08:51, <b...@theworld.com> wrote:

> A rule of thumb is a few degrees per hour change but YMMV, depends on
> the equipment. Sometimes manufacturer's specs include this.

Is this common sense, or do you have reference to this, like paper
showing at what temperature change at what rate occurs what damage?

I regularly bring fine electronics, say iPhone, through significant
temperature gradients, as do most people who have to live in places
where inside and outside can be wildly different temperatures, with no
particular observable effect. iPhone does go into 'thermometer' mode,
when it overheats though.

Manufacturers, say Juniper and Cisco describe humidity, storage and
operating temperatures, but do not define temperature change rate.
Does NEBS have an opinion on this, or is this just a common case of


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