Dear Martin,

On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 10:01:53AM +0200, Martin Pels wrote:
> I think this is important work.


> As you indicated in your mail you have spent quite some time compiling
> the constraints files in the appendix. Keeping them up to date
> requires tracking allocations and policy developments in all RIRs. It
> reminds me of bogon filters for unallocated IP space, and the
> associated problems of networks not updating them [0].

Yes, indeed there is a burden associated with this risk mitigation
approach. I deem tracking of ratified policies in all RIRs feasible, but
yeah... it'll definitely be a recurring quarterly todo item. The current
approach in developing these default constraint listings is to focus on
coarse-grained filters, and not bother to document unallocated space
because the resulting churn would hard to manage & distribute.

> So while each RP should be able to make policy decisions based on its
> own local criteria, managing a default set of constraints is something
> that is best done centralized. Who do you envision should manage these
> lists? RP software maintainers? RIRs? Others?

I guess initially it'll be the RP developers (like me), because who else
is chartered to produce such listings at this moment? I do intend to
keep [1] updated. Would you like to help? :-)

I envision the default constraints can be distributed via packages like
rpki-trust-anchors [2] and integral in operating systems like OpenBSD in
order to reduce the burden on operators.

A potential follow-up exercise here could be to propose to increase the
level of detail in IANA's IPv4 Address Space Registry [0] by - for
example - documenting the longer-than-/8 blocks each RIR transferred to
AFRINIC when AFRINIC was instantiated.

Kind regards,



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