On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 11:56 AM Justin Wilson (Lists) <li...@mtin.net> wrote:
> I think it is going to have to happen.  We have several folks on the IX and 
> various consulting clients who only need 3-6 Ips but have to burn a full /24 
> to participate in BGP. I wrote a blog post awhile back on this topic

Hi Justin,

The Internet is not one network, it's tens of thousands of them all
run by different people who make their own choices. To participate in
BGP with a more specific prefix than /24, you must convince nearly all
of them to allow it. How are you planning to reach a human being at
those networks, much less a human being in a position to make that
choice? Let alone talk them into the change...

When it was a handful of networks trying to filter at /19, it was
possible to beat that handful over the head. Even then it took years
before they gave up on the idea. /24 has been the de facto minimum
since forever. It's not a handful of networks, it's nearly everybody.

So, if you'd like to make a wager on /25 and more specifics becoming a
real thing on the backbone, I'll be happy to take your money.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin

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