Why not publish such a table?

It shouldn’t be a particularly difficult task and could prove rather 


> On Sep 19, 2022, at 20:09, John Curran <jcur...@arin.net> wrote:
>>> On 19 Sep 2022, at 10:48 PM, John Gilmore <g...@toad.com> wrote:
>>> John Curran <jcur...@arin.net> wrote:
>>> [challenges by legacy registrants] has been before judges and resolved
>>> numerous times.
>>> We’ve actually had the matter before many judges, and have never been
>>> ordered to do anything other than operate the registry per the number
>>> resource policy as developed by this community – this has been the
>>> consistent outcome throughout both civil and bankruptcy
>>> proceedings.
>> Is there a public archive of these court proceedings?  Or even a list
>> of which cases have involved ARIN (or another RIR)?
> John - 
> Not to my knowledge for ARIN - we are routinely involved in various civil, 
> criminal, bankruptcy and 
> probate matters as necessary to protect the rights of the resource holders 
> (in cases where they are 
> being hijacked or otherwise converted by parties not affiliated with the 
> registrant) and the rights of 
> the ARIN community (in cases where parties attempt to dispose of number 
> resources contrary to 
> community-developed policy.)   We do not publish an index of cases, but those 
> cases that are 
> public matters are available in appropriate court record searches.
> Thanks,
> /John
> John Curran
> President and CEO
> American Registry for Internet Numbers

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