I am still all riled up. I can't get over him sending that message.
I'm glad I want to check out his linkedin profile.
Happy I could be of service to you. :)
On Saturday, August 20, 2022, 07:00:15 p.m. PDT, VOLKAN KIRIK
<volki...@gmail.com> wrote:
if you are happy i am happy.
i dont care negative people much.
21.08.2022 04:53 tarihinde jkinne...@yahoo.ca
<mailto:jkinne...@yahoo.ca> yazdı:
Hey Volkan,
I just emailed the list moderator to let them know it was optional to
post my message to the list. As long as you know some twit with
three years experience running around calling himself executive
director just harassed you, I'm happy.
Have a great day!
On Saturday, August 20, 2022, 06:50:05 p.m. PDT, VOLKAN KIRIK
<volki...@gmail.com> <mailto:volki...@gmail.com> wrote:
21.08.2022 04:28 tarihinde jkinne...@yahoo.ca
<mailto:jkinne...@yahoo.ca> yazdı:
Good thing they have someone with a dish washing skill-set to clean
up their inbox's for them.
On Saturday, August 20, 2022, 06:01:34 p.m. PDT, Peter Potvin via
NANOG <nanog@nanog.org> <mailto:nanog@nanog.org> wrote:
Hey all,
Removing Cogent personnel and peering departments from this thread
as I'm sure they don't appreciate the nonsense coming from this list.
Peter Potvin | Executive Director
*Accuris Technologies Ltd.*
11-300 Earl Grey Drive, Suite #124, Kanata, Ontario K2T1C1 Canada
Email: peter.pot...@accuristechnologies.ca
Office: +1 (877) 352-6105
Network Operations Centre: +1 (877) 321-1662
On Sat, Aug 20, 2022 at 8:51 PM VOLKAN KIRIK <volki...@gmail.com
<mailto:volki...@gmail.com>> wrote:
yea whatever..
its upto mike leber and dave schaeffer to decide. they can
either accept or reject the solution
I have been always believing content creator/provider should pay
expenses (at least excess traffic).
because they put their server in some datacenter and reach all
of the internet.. their backbone expenses are less..
i can understand that todays datacenters including he.net
<http://he.net> are interested to participate in 200-300 IXPs.
well that acceptable. it should be considered too
so i would offer both companies 3 cent per mbps for excess traffic.
ok bye
21.08.2022 03:25 tarihinde Forrest Christian (List Account) yazdı:
But that traffic was likely requested by and for the benefit of
the person the traffic is being sent to.
I've always found the argument that the quantity of traffic is
the indicator of who should pay to be questionable.
If I'm an end user on an eyeball user and request a big
download or streaming from a provider, isn't it me that caused
that traffic to flow? One could argue that I am the one that
needs to pay.
On the other hand, one could argue that it's the provider of
the content that I requested that needs to pay, since it's
their content which is being distributed.
When you get to peering between two providers it's almost
impossible to decide who needs to pay. As I mentioned above,
passing that traffic is actually to the benefit of both providers.
About the only settlement I could see is where one of the
providers is bearing most of the transport costs. For example
a regional provider only peering at one exchange point might
expect some settlement costs with a big international provider
that is effectively carrying their traffic both directions
around the globe. But the quantity of that type of traffic is
likely minimal in the grand scheme of things. Even then one
might argue that connectivity to the small provider is still
valuable to the customers of the large provider.
On Fri, Aug 19, 2022, 9:32 AM VOLKAN KIRIK <volki...@gmail.com
<mailto:volki...@gmail.com>> wrote:
the more uploading side pays each month for the excess amount.
as content networks are supposed to pay expenses.
what do you think?
19.08.2022 18:28 tarihinde Mike Hammett yazdı:
The problem them becomes *who* pays? When do the tables
turn as to who pays?
The alpha gets paid and the beta does the paying?
The network with more POPs gets paid?
The network with more downstream ASes gets paid?
Is it the same for IPv4 as it is for IPv6?
Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions <http://www.ics-il.com/>
Midwest Internet Exchange <http://www.midwest-ix.com/>
The Brothers WISP <http://www.thebrotherswisp.com/>
*From: *"VOLKAN KIRIK" <volki...@gmail.com>
*To: *"Rubens Kuhl" <rube...@gmail.com>
*Cc: *nanog@nanog.org <mailto:nanog@nanog.org>,
dschaef...@cogentco.com <mailto:dschaef...@cogentco.com>,
peer...@cogentco.com <mailto:peer...@cogentco.com>
*Sent: *Friday, August 19, 2022 10:22:00 AM
*Subject: *Re: cogent and henet not peering
this is 50/50 situation. nobody has to peer for free.
but everyone can.
lets just say above 1:1 ratio he.net <http://he.net> pays
their own ip transit price to cogent for paid peering
excess amount and both sides monitor traffic
we can solve this issue by becoming middlemen worldwide...
both operators are cheap and they could all compete in
level3 pays comcast reasonable (cheap) price (under NDA
maybe?). why wouldnt mleber?
but to make it fair, as he.net <http://he.net> becomes ww
tier-1 operator day-by-day, lets just limit pricing to
excess amount of traffic
thanks for reading
would appreciate your support
19.08.2022 18:09 tarihinde Rubens Kuhl yazdı:
OTOH, knowing that Cogent loves splitting the global Internet is onegood reason
to not contract their services.I think they sell traffic to their private Intranet. Which
is huge,but doesn't encompass the whole Internet.RubensOn Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 12:04 PM
VOLKAN KIRIK<volki...@gmail.com> <mailto:volki...@gmail.com> wrote:
lets just say cogent gives 400GE in each pop they have in common withhe.net
<http://he.net> for free.BUT they will rate-limithe.net <http://he.net>
links to previous month's 95th percentile upload or download (which is minimum) rate (each
month)to make ratio 1:1... to make downstream and upstream traffics fair...okay?fine?come
on people,segmentation is bad.
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