You're correct on the blanket statement. apologies.
Joe Abley wrote:
On 21-May-2009, at 11:06, Curtis Maurand wrote:
Check out as an alternative to bind. Its faster,
more secure, does IPV6 and easier to maintain.
I have heard lots of good things about PowerDNS, and I'm quite
prepared to believe that it's a natural choice for a DNS hosting
service where the database back-end makes for far simpler provisioning
and control than managing a pile of config files.
However, you're not necessarily doing anybody any favours in making
statements like "faster", "more secure" and "does IPv6". DNS servers
are complicated beasts, and simplistic comparisons are not useful for
much (it'd be trivial to give you examples where PowerDNS is slower
and less secure, for example, and BIND9 has done IPv6 for the better
part of a decade).