On 2022-06-09 17:35, Michael Thomas wrote:
On 6/9/22 4:31 PM, Mel Beckman wrote:
Your point on asymmetrical technologies is excellent. But you may not
be aware that residential optical fiber is also asymmetrical. For
example, GPON, the latest ITU specified PON standard, and the most
widely deployed, calls for a 2.4 Gbps downstream and a 1.25 Gbps
upstream optical line rate.
Why would they mandate such a thing? That seems like purely an
operator decision.
There are also vendor issues involved. I am glad that Mel mentioned
'optical line' rate. Which becomes a theoretical thing. If the line
cards aren't set up with buffering properly, then line rate won't be
seen. And I think the line cards can also be easily over-subscribed.
Oh, and due to the two or three step fan-out of 8/16/32, upstream
becomes even more limited.
So, if you have FTTH with 1::1 house::port, then you are cooking with
fire. Else, it is the luck of the draw in terms of how conservative the
ISP is provisioning a GPON infrastructure. Which, I suppose, depends if
it is 1G or 10G GPON.