It appears that Owen DeLong via NANOG <> said:
>Forgive me if I have little or no sympathy for them.

The laws of physics make it rather difficult to provide symmetrical speeds on
shared media like coax or cellular radio.  As wired networks move to all fiber
they'll get more symmetrical but in the meantime I expect that Comcast, 
Cox, AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile are deeply troubled by your disapproval.


>> On May 29, 2022, at 14:10, Eric Kuhnke <> wrote:
>> This is going to be very painful and difficult for a number of DOCSIS3 
>> operators, including some of the largest ISPs in the USA with
>multi-millions of subscribers with tons of legacy coax plant that have no 
>intention of ever changing the RF channel setup and
>downstream/upstream asymmetric bandwidth allocation to provide more than 
>15-20Mbps upstream per home. 
>> On Thu, 26 May 2022 at 16:59, Jeff Shultz < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> I think we have a winner here - we don't necessarily need 1G down, but we do 
>> need to get the upload speeds up to symmetrical 50/50,
>100/100 etc... there are enough people putting in HD security cameras and the 
>like that upstream speeds are beginning to be an issue. 
>> On Tue, May 24, 2022 at 4:37 AM David Bass < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> The real problem most users experience isn’t that they have a gig, or even 
>> 100Mb of available download bandwidth…it’s that
>they infrequently are able to use that full bandwidth due to massive over 
>subscription .  
>> The other issue is the minimal upload speed.  It’s fairly easy to consume 
>> the 10Mb that you’re typically getting as a
>residential customer.  Even “business class” broadband service has a pretty 
>poor upload bandwidth limit.  
>> We are a pretty high usage family, and 100/10 has been adequate, but there’s 
>> been times when we are pegged at the 10 Mb upload
>limit, and we start to see issues. 
>> I’d say 25/5 is a minimum for a single person. 
>> Would 1 gig be nice…yeah as long as the upload speed is dramatically 
>> increased as part of that.  We would rarely use it, but that
>would likely be sufficient for a long time.  I wouldn’t pay for the extra at 
>this point though. 

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