1) please join the list properly and stop replying to the digests.
(note there have been many folks asking you to do this, disconnected
are super super super annoying and remove the parts of the discussion from
a coherent thread)

On Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 12:25 PM Abraham Y. Chen <ayc...@avinta.com> wrote:


> 1)    " ... 240/4 is way more effort than its proponents want to believe
> and even if it were reclassified effectively as GUA, it doesn’t buy all
> that much life for IPv4. ...   ":     Perhaps you have not bothered to scan
> through a two page whitepaper (URL below, again) that I submitted a week or
> so ago? It promises simple implementation and significant increase of
> assignable IPv4 addresses, even extendable to the similar size of IPv6 if
> we could forgo our mentality about the IP addresses as "Personal
> Properties", by switching to treat them as "Natural Resources".
>       https://www.avinta.com/phoenix-1/home/RevampTheInternet.pdf

This paper is super thin on any reasonable level of detail, and seems to
wholly miss the mark on ipv4 usage patterns.


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