More likely a couple hundred ms. I believe what is being seen is the result of Cogent trying to get established in Asia. They won't pay to peer with the established players, and those players don't want Cogent disrupting their market, so their peering in Asia is rather poor. If you're successful in forcing traffic from networks on NTT or other "Asian service providers" to ingress on your Cogent port, you're not going to like the result, as that traffic will take the scenic route via the west coast US or possibly Europe (twice) before reaching you.

As an NTT customer, perhaps Edvinas should complain to NTT about their lack of peering [in Asia] with Cogent making it difficult to utilize your Cogent port. Of course, that's intentional on NTT's they're unlikely to care about your complaint.

On Fri, 11 Mar 2022, Siyuan Miao wrote:

Cogent didn't peer with NTT and PCCW in Asia so it's normal if they still 
prefer local routes. Otherwise
the latency might be at least 100ms.

On Fri, Mar 11, 2022 at 12:50 Lady Benjamin Cannon of Glencoe, ASCE 
<> wrote:
      This sort of thing in general is not uncommon in my experience.  Many 
networks weight our
      outbound with local preferences.

      Ms. Lady Benjamin PD Cannon of Glencoe, ASCE
      6x7 Networks & 6x7 Telecom, LLC
      "The only fully end-to-end encrypted global telecommunications company in 
the world.”

      FCC License KJ6FJJ

      Sent from my iPhone via RFC1149.

      > On Mar 9, 2022, at 2:30 AM, Edvinas Kairys <> 
      >   Hello,
      > We've introduced Cogent network in Equinix Honk Kong DC. But seems via 
that link we're just
      receiving just only 5% of our traffic, other part of incoming traffic is 
received via our other
      ISPs like NTT, Simcentrc, and Equinix IXP.
      > I know it's very naïve to expect the traffic load balance equally 
between 3 ISPs (4 if IXP is
      counted) using just one /24 subnet. According to most of BGP looking 
glasses in Asia, traffic
      via Cogent is least preferred even when i've added 6x prepend AS on our 
other mentioned
      providers to make route via Cogent more attractive. But nothing helps - 
seems main providers in
      Asia made routes via Cogent least preferable by lowering the local 
preference to it, that why
      prepending from our side doesn't help.
      > Maybe someone has experience or similar problems with ISPs in Asia 
network ?

 Jon Lewis, MCP :)           |  I route
 StackPath, Sr. Neteng       |  therefore you are
_________ for PGP public key_________

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