You need to understand the source of the traffic and those network polices
, all the pre-pending will do nothing if it avoids cogent . You might have
to look to advertising more or less specific prefixes to get the desired
I don’t think this is Asia specific issue
On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 5:33 AM Edvinas Kairys <>

>   Hello,
> We've introduced Cogent network in Equinix Honk Kong DC. But seems via
> that link we're just receiving just only 5% of our traffic, other part of
> incoming traffic is received via our other ISPs like NTT, Simcentrc, and
> Equinix IXP.
> I know it's very naïve to expect the traffic load balance equally between
> 3 ISPs (4 if IXP is counted) using just one /24 subnet. According to most
> of BGP looking glasses in Asia, traffic via Cogent is least preferred even
> when i've added 6x prepend AS on our other mentioned providers to make
> route via Cogent more attractive. But nothing helps - seems main providers
> in Asia made routes via Cogent least preferable by lowering the local
> preference to it, that why prepending from our side doesn't help.
> Maybe someone has experience or similar problems with ISPs in Asia network
> ?

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