> I had the same thought and dug into it. I traced the email chain backwards as
> well as the office phone. The email (and named employee) are legit as well as
> the switch serving the office line. Everything adds up. I don't have a reason
> to believe it's a scam. They also noted they will abandon existing infra in
> place. Good observation. Thanks!
The way they are going about it, and the fact that they are misrepresenting the
FCC's rules, and that the tenants are left holding the mess, is the scam.
Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
CEO Get to the Inbox by SuretyMail
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal email marketing law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange
Dean Emeritus, Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
Prof. Emeritus, Lincoln Law School
Chair Emeritus, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Legal Counsel: The CyberGreen Institute
In-house Counsel: Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) (Closed in 2004)