Excellent example.  I see this all.the.time. She could probably get Comcast
just fine by paying $50k buildout or signing a 10 year agreement for
TV/Phone/Internet and convincing 5 neighbors too ;)
*Brandon *

On Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 1:32 PM Blake Hudson <bl...@ispn.net> wrote:

> My mom moves to Olathe, KS. The realtor indicated that ATT, Comcast, and
> Google Fiber all provided service to the neighborhood and the HOA
> confirmed. Unfortunately for her, Google fiber laid fiber ~3 years
> before and her cul-de-sac was developed ~2 years before she moved in. No
> Google Fiber, no Comcast, just ATT. Both Comcast and Google Fiber were
> within 100 ft of her property and wouldn't serve her. Google has no
> plans to serve that cul-de-sac in the future. Comcast did eventually lay
> cable. I'm sure her and her neighbors aren't the only people in America
> to experience something similar.
> On 2/11/2022 3:14 PM, Josh Luthman wrote:
> >
> > >An apartment building could have cheap 1G fiber and the houses across
> > the street have no option but slow DSL.
> >
> > Where is this example?  Or is this strictly hypothetical?
> >
> >

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