Dear Nanog,

We appreciate that your time is very precious, but we wanted to ask you for
your help in answering a brief survey about a new secure routing system we
have developed in a research collaboration between ETH, Princeton
University, and University of Virginia. We'd like to thank those of you who
have already helped us fill out the survey and provided insightful
feedback. Your input is critical for helping inform our further work on
this project.

Here is the link to our survey, which takes about 10 minutes to complete,
including watching a brief 3-minute introductory video:

Our architecture, called Secure Backbone AS (SBAS), allows clients to
benefit from emerging secure routing deployments like SCION by tunneling
into a secure infrastructure. SBAS provides substantial routing security
improvements when retrofitted to the current Internet. It also provides
benefits even to non-participating networks and endpoints when
communicating with an SBAS-protected entity.

We currently have a functional prototype of this network using SCIONLab
(for the secure backbone) and the PEERING testbed (to make outbound BGP
announcements). Our ultimate aim is to develop and deploy SBAS beyond an
experimental scope, and the input of network operators that would actually
have to run these PoPs would greatly benefit this project and help make
secure routing a reality.

With kind regards,
Prateek, Adrian, and Yixin

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