Am 11.12.2021 um 04:54 schrieb Andy Ringsmuth <>:
> The intricacies of Java are over my head, but I’ve been reading about this 
> Log4j issue that sounds pretty bad.
> What do we know about this? What, if anything, can a network operator do to 
> help mitigate this? Or even an end user?

Probably not. The problem lies in the functionality of log4j to do token 
interpolation (think "foo ${bar} baz") not just on the format string that is 
configured, but also on the values passed into the logging function call.

Let that sit for a minute.

For most applications that receive input over the network, I would expect it's 
close to impossible to recognise problematic input that might be logged while 
processing the request, or even at a later stage. The URL is an obvious place, 
but form input, or even the contents of a ZIP file that is being uploaded might 
be processed by logging function calls.

The good news is that setting the Java system property 
log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups to true disables the vulnerable functionality. For 
most Java server applications, that should be a very quick change.


Stefan Bethke <>   Fon +49 151 14070811

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