On 7 Dec 2021, at 2:51 PM, Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com<mailto:ra...@psg.com>> 

I can't imagine, as a percentage, a significant amount of voting ARIN
members give a crap about what happens with legacy resources.

there are more legacy non-members than total members.  wonder why?

Randy -

While that was inevitable at ARIN’s inception and continued for many years, it 
is not currently the case that there are more legacy customers than paying 
customers – as ARIN has more than 24000 paying registry customers (as increase 
of more than 500 from a year prior), and only 15233 non-contracted legacy 
customers.  Even if one doesn’t count the 8000 or so paying customers who just 
have an ASN number, the contracted IPv4/IPv6 customers exceed the number of 
non-contracted legacy customers - and the non-contracted legacy customers 
continue to drop in number by hundreds each year while the contracted customers 
continue to grow.

Note - the same effect is seen with IPv4 address space in the ARIN registry - 
as of December 2021, total uncontracted legacy IP resources now represent only 
35.65% of total IP inventory and legacy resources in registry steadily 
declining over time – 638M in Dec 2020 to 596M today (-6.6% year over year 
drop.)  While some of these blocks do transfer to other regions, the vast 
majority (result of NRPM 8./3 transfer) remain in the ARIN region receiving 
registry services under standard RSA.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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