On 6 Dec 2021, at 4:59 PM, Jay Hennigan <j...@west.net> wrote:
> On 12/6/21 09:59, Owen DeLong via NANOG wrote:
>> The situation is such that the current economic incentives would be most 
>> advantageous to me to preserve my LRSA and abandon my RSA, which would 
>> involve simply turning off IPv6.
> If ARIN's fee structure is such that it is financially advantageous for any 
> class of network operators to turn off IPv6, they're doing it wrong IMHO.

Jay - 

The situation is exactly opposite, as ARIN’s fee schedule allows customers to 
obtain a corresponding-sized IPv6 block without any increase to their annual 
fee - this actually removes the financial disincentive that would otherwise be 
present for network operators to deploy IPv6.  


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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