AWS has been gradually improving support and adding features. They just
announced this service, which might help with adoption:

On Fri., Nov. 26, 2021, 19:28 Michael Thomas, <> wrote:

> On 11/26/21 4:15 PM, Jean St-Laurent wrote:
> We now have apple and fb saying ipv6 is faster than ipv4.
> If we can onboard Amazon, Netflix, Google and some others, then it is a
> done deal that ipv6 is indeed faster than ipv4.
> Hence, an easy argument to tell your CFO that you need IPv6 for your CDN.
> Netflix is already v6 ready. The biggest obstacle is probably aws because
> that's where a lot of the long tail of the internet resides. Lobbying them
> would get the most bang for the buck.
> Mike

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