Subject: Re: Redploying most of 127/8 as unicast public Date: Fri, Nov 19, 2021 
at 09:04:59PM +0900 Quoting Masataka Ohta (
> Mans Nilsson wrote:
> > The essence of an IP address is that it is unique. The larger the network
> > area is that recognizes it as unique, the better it is.
> With proper layering, network addresses including IP ones, certainly,
> uniquely identify *hosts*.
> However, with proper layering, *applications* only require uniqueness
> of IP+Port, which is enough for the worldwide IPv4 network.
> As a result, NAT won the battle against IPv6.
> IPv6 addresses are free but useless.

With all due respect, you think about networks. I use and build
networks. And my experience is that IP+port is not enough. We cope,
because a lot of technical debt is amassed in corporate and ISP /
access provider networks that won't change. We don't cope because NAT is
good. Hardly a workday goes past without me thinking "If I could address
this computer uniquely I'd go home earlier and with less grey hair".

We must do better. 

Måns Nilsson     primary/secondary/besserwisser/machina
MN-1334-RIPE           SA0XLR            +46 705 989668
Do you have exactly what I want in a plaid poindexter bar bat??

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