On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 10:32 AM John Curran <jcur...@istaff.org> wrote:
> There’s this organization called the Internet Engineering Task Force that has 
> been working hard to establish long-term financial independence and stability 
> via the IETF Endowment project <https://www.ietf.org/endowment/> –
> Several of the Internet community organizations have made substantial 
> contributions to this goal, but much more will be needed if the IETF is to 
> achieve long-term funding stability.  Speaking entirely in my own personal 
> capacity, I believe that long-term financial stability of the IETF is an 
> extremely worthwhile goal for all of us to support and – to the extent that 
> somehow changes to the IPv4 address specification result in a financial 
> upside – I believe that the IETF Endowment would be a very appropriate 
> beneficiary.

Hi John,

That has some clever layers of subtlety to it. Instead of the IETF
having to decide when the IPv4 changes have a wide enough deployment
to release the addresses for use, they can simply make them available
for sale with proceeds to the endowment. When would-be buyers decide
they're good enough they'll be bought and used.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin

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