Steven Bakker <> wrote:
> The ask is to update every ip stack in the world (including validation,
> equipment retirement, reconfiguration, etc)...

This raises a great question.

Is it even *doable*?  What's the *risk*?  What will it *cost* to upgrade
every node on the Internet?  And *how long* might it take?

We succeeded in upgrading every end-node and every router in the
Internet in the late '90s and early 2000's, when we deployed CIDR.  It
was doable.  We know that because we did it!  (And if we hadn't done it,
the Internet would not have scaled to world scale.)

So today if we decide that unicast use of the 268 million addresses in
240/4 is worth doing, we can upgrade every node.  If we do, we might as
well support unicast on the other 16 million addresses in 0/8, and the
16 million in 127/8, and the other about 16 million reserved for
4.2BSD's pre-standardized subnet broadcast address that nobody has used
since 1985.  And take a hard look at another hundred million addresses
in the vast empty multicast space, that have never been assigned by IANA
for anybody or anything.  Adding the address blocks around the edges
makes sense; you only have to upgrade everything once, but the 268
million addresses becomes closer to 400 million formerly wasted
addresses.  That would be worth half again as much to end users,
compared to just doing 240/4!

That may not be worth it to you.  Or to your friends.  But it would be
useful to a lot of people -- hundreds of millions of people who you may
never know.  People who didn't get IP addresses when they were free,
people outside the US and Europe, who will be able to buy and use them
in 5 or 10 years, rather than leaving them unused and rotting on the

We already know that making these one-line patches is almost risk-free.
240/4 unicast support is in billions of nodes already, without trouble.
Linux, Android, MacOS, iOS, and Solaris all started supporting unicast
use of 240/4 in 2008!  Most people -- even most people in NANOG --
didn't even notice.  0/8 unicast has been in Linux and Android kernels
for multiple years, again with no problems.  Unicast use of the lowest
address in each subnet is now in Linux and NetBSD, recently (see the
drafts for specifics).  If anyone knows of security issues that we
haven't addressed in the drafts, please tell us the details!  There has
been some arm-waving about a need to update firewalls, but most of these
addresses have been usable as unicast on LANs and private networks for
more than a decade, and nobody's reported any firewall vulnerabilities
to CERT.

Given the low risk, the natural way for these unicast extensions to roll
out is to simply include them in new releases of the various operating
systems and router OS's that implement the Internet protocols.  It is
already happening, we're just asking that the process be adopted
universally, which is why we wrote Internet-Drafts for IETF.  Microsoft
Windows is the biggest laggard; they drop any packet whose destination
OR SOURCE address is in 240/4.  When standards said 240/4 was reserved
for what might become future arcane (variable-length, anycast, 6to4,
etc) addressing modes, that made sense.  It doesn't make sense in 2021.
IPv4 is stable and won't be inventing any new addressing modes.  The
future is here, and all it wants out of 240/4 is more unicast addresses.

By following the normal OS upgrade path, the cost of upgrading is almost
zero.  People naturally upgrade their OS's every few years.  They
replace their server or laptop with a more capable one that has the
latest OS.  Laggards might take 5 or 10 years.  Peoples' home WiFi
routers break, or are upgraded to faster models, or they change ISPs and
throw the old one out, every 3 to 5 years.  A huge proportion of
end-users get automatic over-the-net upgrades, via an infrastructure
that had not yet been built for consumers during the CIDR transition.
"Patch Tuesday" could put some or all of these extensions into billions
of systems at scale, for a one-time fixed engineering and testing cost.

We have tested major routers, and none so far require software updates
to enable most of these addresses (except on the lowest address per
subnet).  At worst, the ISP would have to turn off or reconfigure a
bogon filter with a config setting.  Also, many "Martian address" bogon
lists are centrally maintained
(e.g. ) and
can easily be updated.  We have found no ASIC IP implementations that
hardwire in assumptions about specific IP address ranges.  If you know
of any, please let us know, otherwise, let's let that strawman rest.

Our drafts don't propose to choose between public and private use of the
newly usable unicast addresses (so the prior subject line that said
"unicast public" was incorrect).  Since the kernel and router
implementation is the same in either case, we're trying to get those
fixed first.  There will be plenty of years and plenty of forums (NANOG,
IETF, ICANN, IANA, and the RIRs) in which to wrestle the
public-vs-private questions to the ground and make community decisions
on actual allocations.  But if we don't fix the kernels and routers
first, none of those decisions would be implementable.

Finally, as suggested by David Conrad, there is a well understood
process for "de-bogonizing" an address range on the global Internet,
once support for it exists in OS's.  Cloudflare used it on; RIPE
used it on 128.0/16 and on 2a10::/12.  You introduce a global BGP route
for some part of the range, stand up a server on it, and use various
distributed measurement testbeds to see who can reach that server.  When
chunks of the Internet can't, an engineer figures out where the blockage
is, and communicates with that ISP or vendor to resolve the issue.
Lather, rinse and repeat for a year or more, until reachability is "high

Addresses that later end up allocated to private address blocks would
never need 100% global reachability, but global testing would still help
to locate low-volume OS implementations that might need to be updated.
Addresses bought to number retail cellphones need not be as reachable as
ones used on public-facing servers, etc.  The beauty of a market for IP
addresses, rather than one-size-fits-all allocation models, is that ones
with different reachability can sell for different prices, at different
times, into different niches where they can be put to use.


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