On 10/23/21 9:30 AM, Ca By wrote:
>> Until IPv6 becomes provides a way to make money for the ISP, I don't see it
>> being offered outside of the datacenter.
> 87% of mobiles in the usa are ipv6
> https://www.worldipv6launch.org/measurements/

Mobile is different, v6 makes financial sense as CG NAT doesn't scale to 400m
cell phones in north America. (does NANOG scope include Mexico?)

That said most (all) IPv6 cellular providers still don't use it for end to end
connectivity, as inbound connections are silently dropped.  In the US if you
want inbound connectivity to work via cellular, you must to buy the static IP
service from Verizon, and it has no IPv6 support, and no plans for it in the

Oddly enough the MVNO services over T-Mobile seem to allow inbound IPv6, but
TMO proper doesn't.  V6 that works everywhere would simplify a _huge_
connectivity problem for me.

Bryan Fields

727-409-1194 - Voice

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