World broke.  Crazy $$ per hour down time.  Doors open with a fire axe.
Glass breaks super easy too and much less expensive then adding 15 min to


On Tue., Oct. 5, 2021, 7:05 p.m. Jeff Shultz, <>

> 7. Make sure any access controlled rooms have physical keys that are
> available at need - and aren't secured by the same access control that they
> are to circumvent. .
> 8. Don't make your access control dependent on internet access - always
> have something on the local network  it can fall back to.
> That last thing, that apparently their access control failed, locking
> people out when either their outward facing DNS and/or BGP routes went
> goodbye, is perhaps the most astounding thing to me - making your access
> control into an IoT device without (apparently) a quick workaround for a
> failure in the "I" part.
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 6:01 AM Jared Mauch <> wrote:
>> > On Oct 4, 2021, at 4:53 PM, Jorge Amodio <> wrote:
>> >
>> > How come such a large operation does not have an out of bound access in
>> case of emergencies ???
>> >
>> >
>> I mentioned to someone yesterday that most OOB systems _are_ the
>> internet.  It doesn’t always seem like you need things like modems or
>> dial-backup, or access to these services, except when you do it’s
>> critical/essential.
>> A few reminders for people:
>> 1) Program your co-workers into your cell phone
>> 2) Print out an emergency contact sheet
>> 3) Have a backup conference bridge/system that you test
>>   - if zoom/webex/ms are down, where do you go?  Slack?  Google meet?
>> Audio bridge?
>>   - No judgement, but do test the system!
>> 4) Know how to access the office and who is closest.
>>   - What happens if they are in the hospital, sick or on vacation?
>> 5) Complacency is dangerous
>>   - When the tools “just work” you never imagine the tools won’t work.
>> I’m sure the lessons learned will be long internally.
>>   - I hope they share them externally so others can learn.
>> 6) No really, test the backup process.
>> * interlude *
>> Back at my time at 2914 - one reason we all had T1’s at home was largely
>> so we could get in to the network should something bad happen.  My home IP
>> space was in the router ACLs.  Much changed since those early days as this
>> network became more reliable.  We’ve seen large outages in the past 2 years
>> of platforms, carriers, etc.. (the Aug 30th 2020 issue is still firmly in
>> my memory).
>> Plan for the outages and make sure you understand your playbook.  It may
>> be from snow day to all hands on deck.  Test it at least once, and ideally
>> with someone who will challenge a few assumptions (eg: that the cell
>> network will be up)
>> - Jared
> --
> Jeff Shultz
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