On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 9:21 AM Daniel Seagraves
<dseag...@humancapitaldev.com> wrote:
> It was always my understanding EPO was to be used for
> “We have an electrical fire and need to remove the source RFN”,
> not “we need to be on the redundant power instead of city power
> and don’t want to wait for the automatic transfer”.

Hi Daniel,

That's correct. I'm not sure what Jay was on about, but the EPO button
kills power to everything that would otherwise be protected from a
building power failure. There's generally no warning; you know it
happened from the rapid silence.

I've also never seen warning lights that the facility is on emergency
power. It's probably a good idea but I've never seen it.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin

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