On Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 8:44 AM Alejandro Acosta <
alejandroacostaal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello there,
>    The other day I was in a place with a very limited internet access
> and I recalled this thread. Sometimes speed is important and many times
> also the amount of data we transfer is too.
>    I wonder (sorry if there is and I'm not aware of) some kind of data
> per month suggestion/definition?,  1GB, 10 GB, 50 GB, 100 GB?
>    I mean in the same way there is a minimum speed definition, there
> could be also a minimum "data per day/month" definition", am I right?.
perhaps you've also seen:

there are datacaps on a bunch of US broadband deployments (policies?) ...

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