On 5/31/21 16:17, Andy Ringsmuth wrote:
Where there is a will, there is a way. The big boys don’t have the will to do
it. Case after case after case after case after case demonstrates that fiber to
the home can be done and can be done for a very reasonable cost. We read about
smaller companies or municipalities every day doing it. And then the Big Boys
come along and do EVERYTHING they can to stifle competition (getting all snarky
about pole access, or pouring billions into lobbying against muni broadband
that could be spent on, oh, I dunno, INSTALLING FIBER instead).
This is exactly what happened (and continues to happen) in South Africa.
The first FTTH roll-outs were not by the incumbent. Nearly 6 years
later, the incumbent joined the party seriously and is, actually, the
lowest priced fibre provider.
But on the whole, it's the small, nondescript companies, that continue
to pave the way.
I got FTTH to my house back in 2015, when 99.999% of the country was
still on ADSL. My installation was done by the company's CEO on a chilly
Saturday morning. I was still in my gown.
It's not a thing anymore (even though fibre is, really, limited to the
large cities), but the constant theme is that folk aren't hanging around
picking their noses, waiting for gubbermint policy to egg them on.