The important message on Tore's post IS ALL ABOUT "Sony and Playstation are
doing IPv6 in the wrong way!".

Em seg., 5 de abr. de 2021 às 19:16, Douglas Fischer <> escreveu:

> Jordi, If I sum the numbers of times "It is a deployment with 25.000.000
> customers, using GPON, DSL and cellular." (or similar)(EN, ES, PT) appears
> on my mail box, I guess will be over 2 hundred...
> But every time it hits on:
>  -> Support Tickets! What do they tell us?
>  -> Field Support and L1 Support Guys. Do they agree with that?
> Let me be clear:
> - I like IPv6!
> - I encourage the use of IPv6!
> - I think those guys that say "IPv6 won't be adopted" a bunch of lunatics!
> But, more important than IPv4, IPv6, "IPv12" is that my customers become
> happy and D'ONT BOTHER ME.
> If I would use IPX/SPX and get them even happier than they are today, I
> would do!
> The important message on Tore's post IS NOT "464XLAT is better then Dual
> Stack".
> The important message on Tore's post IS NOT "Sony and Playstation are
> doing IPv6 in the wrong way!".
> Could you please help every ISP, Every Gamer, demanding Sony and
> Playstation to do IPv6 the right way, without wanting to "seize the
> occasion" to publicize the IPv6 transition case and consultancy service?
> <CuteCatAskLooking> Please? </CuteCatAskLooking>
> Em seg., 5 de abr. de 2021 às 17:02, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via NANOG <
>> escreveu:
>> Hi Douglas,
>> In a different mailing list, we had a discussion with Tore about his
>> testing and other testing that may not be available in that blog. It was
>> basically about 464XLAT.
>> As you know IPv6-only with IPv4aaS, provides **dual-stack** in the
>> customer LANs, where the PS5 was sitting.
>> So, we concluded in that discussion that there is **no difference** for
>> the PS5 being used with 464XLAT vs “regular dual-stack”, as expected.
>> Further to that, I’ve done a very complete testing, for a customer, with
>> a PS4 in a LAN with 464XLAT and everything worked fine. Unfortunately, as
>> this was contracted by a customer, I can’t disclose all the test set, but
>> believe me it worked. It is a deployment with 25.000.000 customers, using
>> GPON, DSL and cellular.
>> Regards,
>> Jordi
>> @jordipalet
>> El 5/4/21 21:32, "NANOG en nombre de Douglas Fischer" <
>> en nombre de
>>> escribió:
>> Here goes a link fo an excellent analysis of IPv6 and Playstation
>> This says a lot about why some prefer DualStack.
>> Em ter., 2 de mar. de 2021 às 07:59, Douglas Fischer <
>>> escreveu:
>> Hello Mark...
>> Yes, until when I was decided to Fight Agins IPv4, I tried the Fixes.
>> But after some time, I saw that very little of the problems were due to
>> inadequacies of the ISP's responsibility equipment.
>> Most of the difficulties stemmed from:
>> A) Choices of end-users in their networks.
>> (Something that the ISP may even try to influence, but that ends up
>> bringing more "childrens" to the support queue, as customers said, "Your
>> company that recommended me to use software X instead of Y, so you have to
>> teach me how to use software X".)
>> B) Lack of adequate support for IPv6 by the companies that provided the
>> service on the internet (eGames, IPTV, SIP-VOIP).
>> After some time beating the dead horse, and mainly seeing that these
>> problems did not happen with Dual-Stack, I decided to do what I was able to
>> do well.
>> Since 1-2 years ago, things have improved a lot in these two points,
>> pointed out as problems that do not concern the ISP.
>> Perhaps it is time to review this approach.
>> Em qua., 24 de fev. de 2021 às 18:35, Mark Andrews <>
>> escreveu:
>> Well then use one of the encapsulating IPv4AAS mechanisms rather than
>> 464XLAT (DS-Lite, MAP-E). They don’t involve translating the payload
>> between IPv4 and IPv6.  That said what you are reporting below are
>> implementation bugs.  Did you report them to the vendor?  Did you install
>> the fix?  Rewriting is required as you may have native IPv6 clients rather
>> than clients behind a CLAT on the customer side.
>> > On 25 Feb 2021, at 01:48, Douglas Fischer <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Is this pain you have lived or verified with first hand testing?
>> >
>> > Yep! A lot!
>> >
>> > LOL gamers can be pretty much insistent...
>> > (haha.jpg +  haha-crying.jpg)
>> >
>> > And Specifically on SIP/Voip over the Internet, with deep analysis at
>> all the parts involved.
>> > The most common issue is incoming Calls to SIP endpoints behind 464Xlat
>> using IPv4 with unidirectional audio.
>> > And several types of causes:
>> >  - CPEs receives the RTP-Stream but doesn't Re-Map it correctly to the
>> IPv4 inside end-point
>> >  - Jool receives the RTP-Stream but ignores it and don't map it to the
>> "fake" v6 address
>> >  - Some APPs do (by some crazy reason) the re-write of Session Layer
>> header to v6 address, and Sip-Proxys ignores it...
>> >
>> > After hours and hours fighting against the lions, we decided:
>> > "Let's keep those clients in Dual-Stak and CGNAT" and it just worked.
>> >
>> > And after that, the obvious conclusions:
>> >  - Why will us keep that much options of endpoints connections, if only
>> one solves all the problems?
>> >  - We will need to train the guys on the Dual-Stack/CGNAT Scnario, and
>> 464Xlat Scenario... Knowing about Danos, about Jool...
>> >  - It doesn't scale!
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Douglas Fernando Fischer
>> > Engº de Controle e Automação
>> --
>> Mark Andrews, ISC
>> 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
>> PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742              INTERNET:
>> --
>> Douglas Fernando Fischer
>> Engº de Controle e Automação
>> --
>> Douglas Fernando Fischer
>> Engº de Controle e Automação
>> **********************************************
>> IPv4 is over
>> Are you ready for the new Internet ?
>> The IPv6 Company
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>> communication and delete it.
> --
> Douglas Fernando Fischer
> Engº de Controle e Automação

Douglas Fernando Fischer
Engº de Controle e Automação

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