I would assume that anyone providing a dedicated server has the means to 
facilitate timely hardware replacements. Ask for their SLA on that. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Bryan Holloway" <br...@shout.net> 
To: "William Herrin" <b...@herrin.us> 
Cc: "NANOG list" <nanog@nanog.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2021 11:18:03 AM 
Subject: Re: Hosting recommendations ... ? 

Perhaps I'm missing something, but in your #1 example "Cloud", what 
prevents me from running a Proxmox ISO (which is more or less Debian) 
vs. a "standard" Debian install on the provider's virtual server? 

If I can, I've succeeded. That is the sort of hosting provider I'm 
looking for, if they exist. 

#2 would be suitable, but it seems to be that if leased bare-metal dies, 
it will be some time for ETR. Less desirable, but I'm open to ideas. 

#3 I do now. Trying to move away from that. 

On 1/19/21 5:44 PM, William Herrin wrote: 
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 8:31 AM Bryan Holloway <br...@shout.net> wrote: 
>> I would like to stop personally dealing with bare-metal. That's what I'm 
>> doing now. 
> Hi Bryan, 
> Cloud = you get virtual servers with virtual storage, generally 
> adjustable to meet your needs. You manage the operating systems and 
> storage within the virtual environment. You DO NOT manage the host 
> operating systems or hypervisors. 
> Bare metal = you lease physical equipment. You manage all software on 
> the equipment including any hypervisors needed to run virtual servers. 
> You DO NOT deal with hardware break/fix, that problem belongs to the 
> service provider. 
> Colocation = You lease space in a data center. You provide physical 
> equipment in your custom configuration. 
> With this terminology, at least one of your requirements is unmeetable 
> for contradicting the others. So I ask again for clarification: which 
> of these do you seek? 
> Regards, 
> Bill Herrin 

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