On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 2:51 AM Joe Greco <jgr...@ns.sol.net> wrote:
> Are there examples that do not conflate other areas of the law?

Hi Joe,

I expect so. Maynard v. Snapchat, for example, in which the court
found that snapchat had no section 230 immunity in a lawsuit related
to its speed overlay feature for user-generated content. Snapchat
eventually won the case on a different theory.

I don't expect to find much if anything that's both directly on point
for Amazon/Parler and contrary to John's citations. But then I didn't
claim there would be. What I actually said was that the "courts have
been all over the place" on how much control an online service had to
have over third-party content before section 230 no longer applied. I
think the three cases I've now cited for you illustrate that.

Bill Herrin

Hire me! https://bill.herrin.us/resume/

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