On Tue, 13 Oct 2020, Christopher Morrow wrote:
the vita folk have a history of 'not really understanding large scale
compute/network operations' :(
Reportedly, the VITA data center and Virginia voter registration system is
back up.
According to VITA, a Verizon fiber was struck during a roadside utilities
construction project near Route 10 in Chester, VA. As network engineers
know, fiber cuts happen all the time due to construction. Malicious cuts
and sabatoge occur, but are rare and usually obvious. Absent clear and
compelling evidence, assume normal stupid reasons for outages.
There are various long-term structural problems with election
administration across 10,000+ jurisdictions in the United States. A lot
of duct-tape and heroic work needed by election administrators to keep
things running.
Election administration in Australia, Norway and Luxembourg tend to score
the best with 10 out of 10 according to international election observers.
Election administration in the United States of American tends to score
around 7 or 8. There will be problems and delays. Not perfect,
embarrassing and USA should do better. But still a full and free election.