
the vita folk have a history of 'not really understanding large scale
compute/network operations' :(

On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 11:06 AM Sean Donelan <s...@donelan.com> wrote:
> On the last day of Virginia voter registration, the state-wide voter
> registration system experienced a cable cut disrupting access to the
> state-wide database system.
> Absent clear and convincing evidence otherwise, the problems will likely
> be caused by the usual stupid stuff.
> @VITAagency
> A fiber cut near Rt. 10 in Chester near the Commonwealth Enterprise
> Solutions Center (CESC) is impacting data circuits and virtual private
> network (VPN) connectivity for multiple Commonwealth agencies.
> @VITAagency
> Technicians are on site and working to repair the cut; updates will be
> provided as work progresses.

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