Responses in-line

> On Aug 26, 2020, at 4:07 PM, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via NANOG <> 
> wrote:
> Because:
> 1) It needs *much less* IPv4 addresses (in the NAT64) for the same number of 
> customers.

I cannot see how this is even possible. If I use private space internally to 
the CGN, then the available external space is the same and the internal 
customers are the same and I can do the same over sub ratio under both 
circumstance. Tell me how the math is different.

> 2) It provides the customers as many ports they need (no a limited number of 
> ports per customer).

See response to answer 1

> 3) It is not blocked by PSN (don't know why because don't know how the games 
> have problems with CGN).

Interesting, but I’m not sure how any over-loaded NAT translation would look 
different from the external system. Since you cannot explain it, it’s hard to 
discuss it.

> You could share among an *almost unlimited* number of subscribers an small 
> IPv4 block (even just a /22).

The math would be the same as a CGN, so I do not see how this is any less or 
more useful. It does, however, require CPE capability that appears lacking and 
NAT444 does not. 

> Regards,
> Jordi
> @jordipalet
> El 26/8/20 22:31, "Brian Johnson" <> escribió:
>    How does 464XLAT solve the problem if you are out of IPv4 space?
>> On Aug 26, 2020, at 3:23 PM, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via NANOG 
>> <> wrote:
>> They know we are there ... so they don't come!
>> By the way I missed this in the previous email: I heard (not sure how much 
>> true on that) that they are "forced" to avoid CGN because the way games are 
>> often programmed in PSP break them. So maybe will not be enough to sort out 
>> the problem with an OS and/or PSN change, all the affected games, will need 
>> to be adjusted.
>> Maybe the only way to force this is to tell our customers (many ISPs in 
>> every country) "don't buy Sony PS, they are unable to support new 
>> technologies, so you games will be blocked by Sony". Of course, unless we 
>> all decide to use 464XLAT instead of CGN ... which resolves the problem.
>> A massive campaing could work ...
>> El 26/8/20 22:08, "NANOG en nombre de surfer" 
>> < en nombre de 
>>> escribió:
>>   On 8/26/20 9:28 AM, Tony Wicks wrote:
>>> They're the worst service company I have ever had the displeasure of 
>>> dealing with, the arrogance and attitude of we are big, you are small we 
>>> don't care about your customers was infuriating. Never have I seen a single 
>>> call related to their opposition where as PSN accounted for about 10-20% of 
>>> helpdesk calls. I don't understand why its seemingly impossible for them to 
>>> implement ipv6 as almost everything I have deployed with CGN is dual stack 
>>> V6.
>>   On 8/26/20 9:30 AM, Mark Tinka wrote:
>>> We'll have to be creative with how we pressure them into getting serious
>>> about IPv6.
>>   Do those guys attend NANOG meetings?   >;-)   (evil smile)
>>   scott
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