Mark: We are completely in agreement. Great dialog here.
> On Aug 26, 2020, at 2:30 PM, Mark Tinka <> wrote:
> On 26/Aug/20 21:14, Brian Johnson wrote:
>> I can prove, as an ISP, that I am delivering the packets. Many providers
>> will have to do this until the content moves to IPv6, so what will their
>> excuse be? The provider has no choice when they have more customers than
>> IPv4 address space. They will have to do something to provide access to the
>> IPv4 Internet for these customers. If the ISP created a service that wasn’t
>> NAT444 for gamers and charged accordingly, they would probably get drawn and
>> quartered.
>> It’s a no win situation and it really is Sony that is causing this issue. PR
>> campaigns and educating customers is probably the only way they can win this
>> argument, when they already have the technical battle won.
> In essence, yes.
> But most gaming customers don't have the time to decipher .pcap files
> proving that you delivered the traffic to Sony.
> And Sony are counting on this.
> We'll have to be creative with how we pressure them into getting serious
> about IPv6.
> Mark.