What is the device on the other side of the MX204 100G link.   We've had some 
incrementing PCS errors on 100G links when the other side was a Juniper PTX1000 
using port et-0/0/25.   Using a different port on the PTX1000 resolved the 
incrementing PCS errors.  We opened JTAC cases for two incidents and a root 
cause was never found.   

Clinton Work
Airdrie, AB

On Wed, Aug 19, 2020, at 6:46 AM, Nicholas Warren wrote:
> We've got a 100g qsfp in an mx204 that has 1207 bit errors and 29666 
> errored blocks after 24 hours of just being linked up...
> I would assume this is not normal behavior, but I haven't used 100g 
> before. Do others see high error rates on their 100g optics?

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