Infrapedia is 100% free , all code open source, platform made for engineers
by engineers.

I am sure there are lots of room to improve. I appreciate everyone
supporting it. If you want to look at the code and help implement a way to
block spam bots, without overloading the system, I would be interested to

No we will never share email, name, etc.

On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 07:54 Clayton Zekelman <> wrote:

> Nobody is forcing you to sign up.  If you want to
> use it, sign up.  If you don't, then don't sign up.
> If you want to post to this list asking for help,
> then refusing the help you get because you don't
> have the energy or inclination to use one of the suggestions, then move on.
> I'd suggest that you switch from single malt to decaf.
> At 10:48 AM 24/07/2020, Tom Hill wrote:
> >On 24/07/2020 15:32, Mehmet Akcin wrote:
> > > No harvesting of personal data.
> > >
> > > This was a requirement for us to prevent spam  when requesting quotes
> > > from partner networks.Â
> >
> >So your partners demand that you store and process my personal data
> >(anything that can be used to identify an individual) just for me to use
> >the site, even if I never intend on requesting any quotes?
> >
> >There's also no option to use the unrestricted features without
> >constantly being directed to the sign-up page. How is that anything but
> >harvesting personal data? It's definitely annoying, if nothing else.
> >
> >You may think you're doing the right thing, but if you're not explicit
> >about any of these requirements, no-one else has any idea why they're
> >being *forced* to sign-up to something. From the outside it looks like a
> >pretty cheeky way of building a database of persons interested in this
> >sort of thing
> >
> >My consultation fees are sizeable, and I expect them to be settled
> >exclusively in single malt.
> >
> >--
> >Tom
> --
> Clayton Zekelman
> Managed Network Systems Inc. (MNSi)
> 3363 Tecumseh Rd. E
> Windsor, Ontario
> N8W 1H4
> tel. 519-985-8410
> fax. 519-985-8409
> --

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