Hi Richard, 

I never said that protected LAN PHY 10 GigE was more expensive than two 
diversely routed waves. However, Hibernia's engineers have advised that route 
protected LAN PHY 10 GigE will tolerate a relatively high BER before switching. 
I stand by that statement. 

I said that protected STM64 service was more expensive and that is true. Not 
only do you need two diversely STM64 waves, but you need protection as well. 

Finally, you're wrong about "trying to charge what the market will bear". 

I have sold almost 30 ten gig waves (leases) and I have only received one 
request (global bank) for protected service. When I priced at the twice the 
price of an unprotected service plus a 10% premium, that request was downsized 
to a protected STM16. 

Customers in general are simply not willing to pay for protection. Indeed, most 
of them prefer to load balance among diversely routed 10 gig waves or buy waves 
on several network or cable systems. 

And there are incumbents and competitive carriers that want to protect the 
service themselves. 

How many protected waves do you have? :)

Roderick S. Beck
Director of European Sales
Hibernia Atlantic
13-15, rue Sedaine, 75011 Paris

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