United Cable Company is primarily a broker.

To Rod's questions :

Sure, you can light a pair and monitor it many different ways. However, as
James has said already, most people who want dark fiber are going to want
one pair of glass from A to Z with nothing in the middle at all that they
don't know about. For me, I would want to know exactly what you had in
place ( full specifications , not hand waved 'monitoring device' ) , what
wavelengths it used, how it functioned (fully passive, etc), along with
some extensive tests to make sure I could do what I expected to without any
interference or surprises, before I would come near a contract with you.
>From my point of view, any device on the glass I am leasing is essentially
now part of my network, so I need to know everything about it. Others may
have different standards of course, but that's perfectly fine.

I would say personally though that if during due diligence, your NOC was
nothing more than an answering service to someone else, which it kinda
sounds like you want, I would personally not do business with that. Again
others may have different standards, and that's ok.

On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 7:54 PM Miles Fidelman <mfidel...@meetinghouse.net>

> *Rod Beck* rod.beck at unitedcablecompany.com
> <nanog%40nanog.org?Subject=Re%3A%20Outsourced%20NOC%20Solutions&In-Reply-To=%3CDM5PR1301MB197970E61423A8B18D0B5558E4850%40DM5PR1301MB1979.namprd13.prod.outlook.com%3E>
> wrote
> I would calm down, Miles. 😃 Dark fiber networks are built and usually 
> maintained by the same construction company that installed them. And a dark 
> fiber network does not even need a single full time optical engineer. If the 
> cable is damaged, then the guys who installed it will repair it. All the 
> expertise is there.
> And no, I am not an executive at a undersea cable system. i was one of 
> Hibernia Atlantic's top salesmen during the early years from 2004-2011 after 
> which I retired.
> Funny thing then, given that you signed your original query as:
> Roderick Beck
> VP of Business Development
> United Cable 
> Companywww.unitedcablecompany.com<http://www.unitedcablecompany.com>
> And following the link to United Cable Company's web site reveals:
> "Your source for the world's most distinctive submarine cable assets."
> And the about page says "Its mission, as a leading telecom consulting
> company, is to represent the world’s most distinctive submarine and
> terrestrial cable assets."
> Your original query asked:
> Am I wrong in believing that there should be a way of lighting a single pair 
> in the cable and then monitoring it for signal disruption? It is not a 
> perfect solution, but arguably better than learning that the cable has been 
> damaged from an irate customer.
> In a followup message you say:
> Just to clarify, this is a dark fiber network already built and will be 
> repaired by the construction company that built it. I just a system to inform 
> them as soon as the fibers are damaged.
> So... color me confused about who you are, who you represent, what you're
> trying to accomplish, what you're asking, and, perhaps, why you don't
> already know the answer to your question, or have someone internal to your
> organization who already knows.
> Miles Fidelman
> --
> In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
> In practice, there is.  .... Yogi Berra
> Theory is when you know everything but nothing works.
> Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.
> In our lab, theory and practice are combined:
> nothing works and no one knows why.  ... unknown

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