"A degree in economics is not needed to know that if the damages of something 
is causing x2 the amount that can be spent to avoid the damages - then half of 
the amount should be spent."

> A degree in economics is not needed [..]
"Which is the common thing to say by the ones who don't have it."

"simply wrong on legitimate technical grounds"

You are not a bigotry or hatred, you are just an imbecile.
From: Owen DeLong <>
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2020 7:04 PM
To: Elad Cohen <>
Cc: Töma Gavrichenkov <>; Shane Ronan 
<>; North American Network Operators' Group 
Subject: Re: RIPE NCC Executive Board election

I don’t see hate. I see legitimate technical disagreement with your 
hair-brained schemes.

Perhaps, when a large collection of people with actual engineering experience 
and deep knowledge tell you that you are simply wrong on legitimate technical 
grounds, it would be wiser to rethink your position than to accuse them of 
bigotry and hatred.

Just a thought.


On May 13, 2020, at 16:48, Elad Cohen <> wrote:

You start your posts with Peace but your posts are full of hate.
From: Töma Gavrichenkov <>
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2020 2:17 AM
To: Elad Cohen <>
Cc: Shane Ronan <>; North American Network Operators' 
Group <>
Subject: Re: RIPE NCC Executive Board election


On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 2:14 AM Elad Cohen <> wrote:
> A degree in economics is not needed [..]

Which is the common thing to say by the ones who don't have it.

I think, dixi.


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