> On 21 Apr 2020, at 11:09, Baldur Norddahl <baldur.nordd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 21.04.2020 10.56, Sander Steffann wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Removing a resource from the certificate to achieve the goal you describe 
>>> will make the route announcement NotFound, which means it will be accepted. 
>>> Evil RIR would have to replace an existing ROA with one that explicitly 
>>> makes a route invalid, i.e. issue an AS0 ROA for specific member prefix. 
>>> This seems like a pretty convoluted way to try and take a network offline.
>> I've seen worse…
>> Sander
> As long Good RIR continues to publish a valid ROA for the real ASN that evil 
> AS0 ROA would have no effect?


Should this really be a concern, then you can run Delegated RPKI. In that case 
the RIR can’t tamper with your ROA because it’s not on their systems. Evil RIR 
could only revoke a prefix from your certificate or your entire certificate, 
but again, your BGP announcements would fall back to NotFound and would be 


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