I was thinking the EXACT same thing!! -- Greg Grimes Senior Network Analyst Information Technology Services Mississippi State University 662-325-9311(w)
________________________________ From: NANOG <nanog-boun...@nanog.org> on behalf of Clayton Zekelman <clay...@mnsi.net> Sent: Friday, April 3, 2020 6:21:43 PM To: Sean Donelan <s...@donelan.com>; nanog@nanog.org <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: Re: FCC and FTC Demand Cut-Off Robercallers of Coronavirus Scams Finally, but why did it take a pandemic to get them to do this? At 07:14 PM 03/04/2020, Sean Donelan wrote: >A sternly worded, finger-wagging press release. > > >https://secure-web.cisco.com/1LWeqrXLGvJdEBzB1uFe8kj9AI4aQYKo58pr0a7HHabjzZjlUFhbYW9sw_3phNW8RRZcfh4T01zhFWJzwlT5koYKFBC0X9DhlUbUeWJCpcaJDWoGiw4jEvVGWiHMyWhb-DgXaHwKqs4DEaqsgXzJvXllUvcmj0hqGdV7dPWOJjhFPMUEnjT8Grl3W7MQ7A5v1nC1W9_K01pTSV8PsbPRjlTzYrA20dcqjx74JJSmlZDRnMsoPxJoZcH2jQ00PAsRaeGGdnA4EE5KwbCYlUu4M0UhYHkKmOkfjSJjZyBfAALCJQveH8qYnTfkSoI5OzVKm1aapZq23qJsbv8OReeHk8w/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fcc.gov%2Fdocument%2Ffcc-ftc-demand-gateway-providers-cut-covid-19-robocall-scammers > >[...] >The FCC¢s Enforcement Bureau and FTC¢s Bureau of >Consumer Protection wrote to three gateway >providers that are facilitating these scam >COVID-19-related robocalls: SIPJoin of Suffolk, >Virginia; Connexum of Orange, California; and >VoIP Terminator/BLMarketing of Lake Mary, >Florida. The companies have been identified by >the Traceback Group, a consortium of phone >companies that help officials track down suspect >calls, managed by the trade association >USTelecom. The Commissions also wrote to >USTelecom to ask its members to begin blocking >calls from these providers if the flood of >robocalls is not cut off within 48 hours. -- Clayton Zekelman Managed Network Systems Inc. (MNSi) 3363 Tecumseh Rd. E Windsor, Ontario N8W 1H4 tel. 519-985-8410 fax. 519-985-8409