Finally, but why did it take a pandemic to get them to do this?

At 07:14 PM 03/04/2020, Sean Donelan wrote:

A sternly worded, finger-wagging press release.

The FCC¢s Enforcement Bureau and FTC¢s Bureau of Consumer Protection wrote to three gateway providers that are facilitating these scam COVID-19-related robocalls: SIPJoin of Suffolk, Virginia; Connexum of Orange, California; and VoIP Terminator/BLMarketing of Lake Mary, Florida. The companies have been identified by the Traceback Group, a consortium of phone companies that help officials track down suspect calls, managed by the trade association USTelecom. The Commissions also wrote to USTelecom to ask its members to begin blocking calls from these providers if the flood of robocalls is not cut off within 48 hours.


Clayton Zekelman
Managed Network Systems Inc. (MNSi)
3363 Tecumseh Rd. E
Windsor, Ontario
N8W 1H4

tel. 519-985-8410
fax. 519-985-8409

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