Ravi Pina wrote:

That said one would *hope* vault access
is not trivial and there are mechanisms in place to alert of
unauthorized, unlawful entry.

I regularly drove on these roads when these lines were being put in up-and-down the SF Peninsula. There are 4 manhole covers every 1/4 mile or so that provide access to this fiber. Do the math. Multiply by the number of miles of fiber runs across the world, and the number of access points per mile on each run. Exactly how do you plan to make "vault access non-trivial" and yet make the access as easy as it needs to be for routine maintenance and repair? My guess is that it is probably less expensive in the long run to leave them unprotected and just fix the problems when they occur than to try to "secure" the vaults and deal with the costs and extended outage delays when access it "secured" and it takes longer to get into a vault to fix things.


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